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NEW! Miniature Landis Banjo Pendant

NEW! Miniature Landis Banjo Pendant


Patterned after Ron's original model for the pewter mini-instruments, this new version is detailed to include the Landis name and logo in the headstock. Further details have been added to enhance the overall esthetic and “charm” of this pendant.
Previously made from pewter, this new piece is made of a silver plated brass. The matte finish resists toning and oxidation, so this pendant will remain bright as you wear it proudly, supporting Landis Studios.
New details include the Landis logo, raised tuning pegs and frets, and extended fastening loop.
The pendant will come on a satin cord or keychain so it can be worn around your neck, keeping watch over your keys, strung from your rearview mirror, or displayed with your other magic items.

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